Pastitcho and more pastitcho. It must be Thanksgiving… and boy, do I have alot to be thankful for, not the least of which are my family, friends and even some strangers who have done everything to keep me from sinking into desperation over this turn in my life. For all of you, I give thanks. There are times I feel I should be more freaked out than I am, but I’m not. Go figure…
I currently have my niece, Mary, here. She’s in from her studies in Ecuador. She and my friend, Shelley, made the pasticho this year. They did beautifully, as you can see. With Bev not up to her usual energy, the Callens house was the site for our Thanksgiving dinner this year. A tent in the yard and more food than the 3rd Marine Brigade can eat, it was, as always, a culinary delight. It was the 29th Turkey Day for me, Bev, CK and Shelley. Oh……….. and I won the first quarter football pool. Who could ask for anything more?
On the medical side, things are moving along. I continue to lose strength in my legs and hands. I can still transfer from place to place but with a bit more difficulty. I went to the Cedar-Sinai ALS clinic. They’re a little warmer/fuzzier than UCLA but just as vague. At this point it seems to be about management of the disease more than anything. I read everything I can so when I get there, there’s not a whole lot they tell me that I don’t already know about. But, they check vitals and run reflex and strength tests while the various techs come through and give their input (speech therapist, pulmonary, physical and occupational therapist, etc.). In the end, I’m exhausted and still wonder what else to do. There is still nothing medical that really seems to help. From stem cells to Lithium to bone marrow, they all have questionable outcomes. For now, I let it run its course.
The holidays approach. My brother, Christ, is coming from Christmas Eve to New Years Eve. A number of other outtatowners will be here visiting family and friends around then so, I will get to see most of them. Before you know it, it’ll be another new year. I WILL be done with this one. As will Bev. She is holding up well. Her cancer markers are going down and she remains strong. Thank you for the prayers and good vibes sent both our ways. They do mean a lot.
Well, that’s it for now. I will really try to be more diligent and timely with updates. Until then, I thank you for your love and support……… h
Hi Harry-
I am here with Alex- he says hello! Toni and Cathy said they had a wonderful time with you. We do pray for your strength every night. Alex smiles every time he goes to your site and looks :D
Cousin Dean
Uncle Harry i love you
Hey Harry, I finally figuered out where to post comments!! I hope all is well, we are thinking of you all the time - especially now since it is so cold and snowy, we wish you were here to partake in this wonderful snowy weather (insert sarcasm). We periodically review your blog, so keep the updates comming since the phone is hard for you sometimes. God Bless ... Mike, Mary, Chris and Louie (Bradaric family).
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